Mexico’s Jalisco Cartel New Generation is Unique. This is Why.

The Jalisco Cartel New Generation is one of the most violent crime groups in Mexico, and the world. But this was not always the case. In the first of a three-part series, author Chris Dalby explores how a family of rich avocado farmers transformed into a brutal criminal syndicate.
Poverty, marginalisation and cocaine: Crime groups find lucrative combo in Argentina

Argentina’s economy is in intensive care. Financial stagnation, coupled with record inflation and the slashing of public spending have resulted in rising poverty and marginalisation. But during every crisis some see opportunity, and this time, it is crime groups. With drug trafficking expanding in the barrios, analysts warn of new complex dynamics taking hold in the long run.

Over the years, and centuries, cocaine has gone from being revered as a miracle medicine to being the subject of a complex and largely unsuccessful global war, with millions of victims. What lies behind the intricate past, and present, of one of the most popular, and controversial, drugs in history? Read on to find out.