In.Visibles is a platform of journalists, communicators and academics who specialize in organized crime and human rights in Latin America. We analyze the dynamics of criminal organizations and illegal markets and their impact on marginalized populations, as well as the effectiveness of security policies across the region. We seek to contribute to one of the most relevant debates in Latin America today with quality information and analysis as well as new cross-border narratives


We work collaboratively with local experts and produce cross-border analyses, explainers, in depth interviews and long-term research on the impact of organized crime. In particular, we document and reflect on the dynamics of the criminal organizations that control illegal markets such as trafficking in illicit substances, the impact of punitive security strategies, including militarization and the expansion of the use of prisons. We prioritize a gender approach to our work, which seeks to highlight the impact of these crimes on invisible populations.


Josefina Salomón

Co-Founder, Editorial Director

Argentine-British journalist, editor and researcher. Specialist in human rights, security and gender. She has lived and reported from every corner of Latin America for organizations such as Amnesty International, InSight Crime, the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime and the Washington Office on Latin America, among others. He has also written from the region for media outlets including The Guardian, Al-Jazeera, BBC, Vice, Newsweek en Español, Rolling Stone and La Nación, among others. She divides her time between Buenos Aires, Melbourne, London and wherever life takes her.

Ronna Rísquez

Co-founder, Journalism Director

Venezuelan investigative journalist and editor, specialising in violence, human rights and organized crime. She has led investigative teams in Venezuelan media and worked for organizations including InSight Crime. Her work has been recognized at the Data Journalism Awards, the Ipys prize for Investigative Journalism in Venezuela and received recognition at the Gabriel García Márquez, Javier Valdés and Global Shining Light Awards. He has just published the book El Tren de Aragua: La banda que revolucionó el crimen organizado en América Latina.

Sergio Ortiz

Co-Founder, Director Video, Design and Photography

Mexican documentary filmmaker and photographer specialising in human rights, migration and gender. He has produced photo essays, films and articles on these issues in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil for international organizations including the Washington Office on Latin America, UNHCR, Amnesty International, Médecins Sans Frontières, Art For Human Rights and OXFAM, among others. He has also worked in news production at Televisa and his stories have been published in The Guardian, Financial Times, Vice, Washington Post, El País, BuzzFeed, BBC Mundo and Newsweek, among others.

Jonathan Gómez

Web Developer, Technology

Mexican graphic designer and web developer. Specialist in advertizing and communication strategies with 14 years of experience. He has actively collaborated both in the commercial sector and with social and non-governmental organizations. His experience extends to areas such as outdoor advertising, brand management and editorial design.

Alejandra Dilliz

Creative Director

Mexican-born graphic designer and art historian specializing in marketing and fundraising. She has more than twelve years of experience in the advertising, cultural and social sectors. She has led multidisciplinary fundraising teams, created digital content creation strategies, impact and communication campaigns as well as fundraising on issues of humanitarian response, human rights, children, gender perspective, environmental advocacy. She has worked for international social organizations including Save the Children, Change.org, Oxfam and Greenpeace. 

Eva Fernández Martin

Writer, Social Media

Passionate about social justice and originally from Spain, she works professionally with non-governmental organizations, focusing her work on development cooperation and humanitarian action.  Her experience encompasses projects that address global challenges, from poverty eradication to human rights and gender equality. Based in San Diego, California, she comes from the world of social and cultural anthropology, merging her deep interest in understanding cultural complexities with a focus on public-oriented anthropology.


We are an independent media outlet. We apply for grants from foundations and organizations that support journalism projects, as well as individual donations. We also establish partnerships with other media organizations.

The launch of In.Visibles was funded through the first Sembramedia/Google News Initiative media incubator programme.

In.Visibles is registered as a not-for-profit company in the UK.